Scripting Functions Sk
From SA-MP Wiki
Táto stránka obsahuje prehľad stovky funkcií dostupných v San Andreas: Multiplayer. Všetky funkcie majú svoje vlastné stránky s rozšírenými informáciami o danej funkcii, požadovanými parametrami, možnostami ich využitia a ďalšími funkciami ktoré by sa vám mohli hodiť.
Funkcie sú pridávané pri každej novej verzii San Andreas: Multiplayer. Serverové Pluginy môžu tiež pridať veľa ďalších funkcií do multiplayeru. Kliknite na odkaz pre viac informácií o serverových pluginoch. Momentálne je tam 273 ďalších využiteľných funkcii.
Prejdite nadol na úplný zoznam funkcií, ktoré sú zoradené podľa abecedy.
Contents |
- AddStaticVehicle - Pridanie vozidla
- AddStaticVehicleEx - Pridanie vozidla
- AddVehicleComponent - Pridanie komponentu do vašeho vozidla
- AttachTrailerToVehicle - Pripojenie vozíka na vaše vozidlo
- ChangeVehicleColor - Zmenenie farby vašeho vozidla
- ChangeVehiclePaintjob - Zmenenie paintjobu pre vaše vozidlo
- CreateVehicle - Vytvorenie vozidla
- DestroyVehicle - Destroy a vehicle
- DetachTrailerFromVehicle - Detach a trailer from a vehicle
- GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID - Get the ID of the vehicle a player is surfing
- GetPlayerVehicleID - Get the ID of the vehicle that a player is in
- GetVehicleComponentInSlot - Get a vehicle's component in a certain slot
- GetVehicleComponentType - Find out the type of component a component is
- GetVehicleDamageStatus - Get a vehicle's damage status (visual damage)
- GetVehicleHealth - Get a vehicle's health (engine)
- GetVehicleModel - Get the model of a vehicle
- GetVehiclePos - Get the position of a vehicle
- GetVehicleTrailer - Get the ID of a vehicle's trailer
- GetVehicleVelocity - Get a vehicle's velocity
- GetVehicleVirtualWorld - Get a vehicle's virtual world
- GetVehicleZAngle - Get the rotation of a vehicle
- IsPlayerInAnyVehicle - Check if a player is in any vehicle
- IsPlayerInVehicle - Check if a player is in a certain vehicle
- IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle - Check if a vehicle has a trailer attached
- IsVehicleStreamedIn - Check if a vehicle is streamed in for a certain player
- LinkVehicleToInterior - Link a vehicle into an interior
- PlayerSpectateVehicle - Make a player spectate a vehicle
- PutPlayerInVehicle - Put a player in a vehicle
- RemovePlayerFromVehicle - Remove a player from their vehicle
- RemoveVehicleComponent - Remove a component from a vehicle
- RepairVehicle - Repair a vehicle (visual damage + engine)
- SetVehicleHealth - Set a vehicle's health (engine)
- SetVehicleParamsForPlayer - Set the parameters of a vehicle for a player (locked, objective)
- SetVehiclePos - Set a vehicle's position
- SetVehicleToRespawn - Respawn a vehicle
- SetVehicleVelocity - Set a vehicle's velocity
- SetVehicleVirtualWorld - Set a vehicle's virtual world
- SetVehicleZAngle - Set a vehicle's rotation
- UpdateVehicleDamageStatus - Update the damage status of a vehicle (visual damage)
Global Objects
- AttachObjectToPlayer - Attach an object to a player
- CreateObject - Create an object
- DestroyObject - Destroy an object
- GetObjectPos - Get an object's position
- GetObjectRot - Get an object's rotation
- IsValidObject - Check if an object exists
- MoveObject - Move an object
- SetObjectPos - Set an object's position
- SetObjectRot - Set an object's rotation
- StopObject - Stop an object (moving)
Player Objects
- CreatePlayerObject - Create an player-object
- DestroyPlayerObject - Destroy an object
- GetPlayerObjectPos - Get an object's position
- GetPlayerObjectRot - Get an object's rotation
- IsValidPlayerObject - Check if an object exists
- MovePlayerObject - Move an object
- SetPlayerObjectPos - Set an object's position
- SetPlayerObjectRot - Set an object's rotation
- StopPlayerObject - Stop an object (moving)
- TextDrawAlignment - Set a textdraw's alignment
- TextDrawBackgroundColor - Set the background color of a textdraw
- TextDrawBoxColor - Set the color of a textdraw's box
- TextDrawColor - Set the color of a textdraw
- TextDrawCreate - Create a textdraw
- TextDrawDestroy - Destroy a textdraw
- TextDrawFont - Set a textdraw's font
- TextDrawHideForAll - Hide a textdraw for all players
- TextDrawHideForPlayer - Hide a textdraw for a specific player
- TextDrawLetterSize - Set the size of a textdraw's text
- TextDrawSetOutline - Set the outline thickness of a textdraw
- TextDrawSetProportional - Set a textdraw's text proportion
- TextDrawSetShadow - Toggle a shadow behind a textdraw's text
- TextDrawSetString - Set the text in a textdraw
- TextDrawShowForAll - Show a textdraw for all players
- TextDrawShowForPlayer - Show a textdraw for a certain player
- TextDrawTextSize - Set the size of a textdraw
- TextDrawUseBox - Toggle whether a textdraw should have a box or not
- GangZoneCreate - Create a gangzone
- GangZoneDestroy - Destroy a gangzone
- GangZoneFlashForAll - Make a gangzone flash for all players
- GangZoneFlashForPlayer - Make a gangzone flash for a certain player
- GangZoneHideForAll - Hide a gangzone for all players
- GangZoneHideForPlayer - Hide a gangzone for a specific player
- GangZoneShowForAll - Show a gangzone for all players
- GangZoneShowForPlayer - Show a gangzone for a player
- GangZoneStopFlashForAll - Stop a gangzone flashing for all players
- GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer - Stop a gangzone flashing for a specific player
3D Text Labels
- Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer - Attach a 3D text label to a player
- Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle - Attach a 3D text label to a vehicle
- Create3DTextLabel - Create a 3D text label
- CreatePlayer3DTextLabel - Create a 3D text label for one player
- Delete3DTextLabel - Delete a 3D text label
- DeletePlayer3DTextLabel - Delete a player's 3D text label
- Update3DTextLabelText - Update the text and color of a 3D label
- UpdatePlayer3DTextLabelText - Update the text and color of a player's 3D label
Normal Checkpoints
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint - Disable a player's checkpoint
- IsPlayerInCheckpoint - Check if a player is in a checkpoint
- SetPlayerCheckpoint - Set a player's checkpoint
Race Checkpoints
- DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint - Disable a player's race checkpoint
- IsPlayerInRaceCheckpoint - Check if a player is in a race checkpoint
- SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint - Set a player's race checkpoint
Player Variables
- DeletePVar - Delete a player variable
- GetPVarFloat - Get a player variable as a float
- GetPVarInt - Get a player variable as an integer
- GetPVarString - Get a player variable as a string
- SetPVarFloat - Set a player variable to a float
- SetPVarInt - Set a player variable to an integer
- SetPVarString - Set a player variable to a string
- PlayerSpectatePlayer - Make a player spectate another player
- PlayerSpectateVehicle - Make a player spectate a vehicle
- TogglePlayerSpectating - Toggle whether a player is spectating or not
- Ban - Ban a player so they can't connect to the server
- BanEx - Ban a player with a custom reason
- IsPlayerAdmin - Check whether a player is logged into RCON or not
- Kick - Kick a player from the server
- SendRconCommand - Send an RCON command via the script