From SA-MP Wiki
Stops a gangzone flashing for all players.
zone | The ID of the zone to stop flashing. Returned by GangZoneCreate. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function executed successfully. Success is reported even if the gang zone wasn't flashing to begin with.
- 0: The function failed to execute. The gangzone specified does not exist.
Example Usage:
new gangzone; public OnGameModeInit() { gangzone = GangZoneCreate(1248.011, 2072.804, 1439.348, 2204.319); return 1; } public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { GangZoneFlashForAll(gangzone, COLOR_RED); return 1; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { GangZoneStopFlashForAll(gangzone); return 1; }
Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.
- GangZoneCreate: Create a gangzone.
- GangZoneDestroy: Destroy a gangzone.
- GangZoneShowForPlayer: Show a gangzone for a player.
- GangZoneShowForAll: Show a gangzone for all players.
- GangZoneHideForPlayer: Hide a gangzone for a player.
- GangZoneHideForAll: Hide a gangzone for all players.
- GangZoneFlashForPlayer: Make a gangzone flash for a player.
- GangZoneFlashForAll: Make a gangzone flash for all players.
- GangZoneStopFlashForPlayer: Stop a gangzone flashing for a player.