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Show a gangzone for a player. Must be created with GangZoneCreate first.

(playerid, zone, color)
playeridThe ID of the player you would like to show the gangzone for..
zoneThe ID of the gang zone to show for the player. Returned by GangZoneCreate
colorThe color to show the gang zone, as an integer or hex in RGBA color format. Alpha transparency supported.

Return Values:

1 if the gangzone was shown, otherwise 0 (non-existant).

new Zone;
public OnGameModeInit()
    Zone = GangZoneCreate(1082.962, -2787.229, 2942.549, -1859.51);
    return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    GangZoneShowForPlayer(playerid, Zone, 0xFFFF0096);
    return 1;

Related Functions

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