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Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle was added in SA-MP 0.3a This function was added in SA-MP 0.3a and will not work in earlier versions!


Attaches a 3D Text Label to a specific vehicle.

(Text3D:id, vehicleid, Float:OffsetX, Float:OffsetY, Float:OffsetZ)
Text3D:idThe 3D Text Label you want to attach.
vehicleidThe vehicle you want to attach the 3D Text Label to.
OffsetXThe Offset-X coordinate of the player vehicle (the vehicle is 0.0,0.0,0.0)..
OffsetYThe Offset-Y coordinate of the player vehicle (the vehicle is 0.0,0.0,0.0)..
OffsetZThe Offset-Z coordinate of the player vehicle (the vehicle is 0.0,0.0,0.0)..

Return Values:

This function does not return any specific values.

Example Usage:

new Text3D:vehicle3Dtext[MAX_VEHICLES],vehicle_id;
// Creating the TextLabel for later use
public OnGameModeInit ( )
    vehicle_id = CreateVehicle( 510, 0.0. 0.0, 15.0, 5, 0, 120 );
    vehicle3Dtext[ vehicle_id ] = Create3DTextLabel( "Example Text", 0xFF0000AA, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0, 1 );
    //Creating the Vehicle
    //Attaching Text Label To Vehicle
    Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle( vehicle3Dtext[ vehicle_id ] , vehicle_id, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0);
public OnGameModeExit ( )
    Delete3DTextLabel( vehicle3Dtext[ vehicle_id ] );
    return true;

Related Functions

The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.

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