From SA-MP Wiki
Sets the rotation and zoom of a 3D model preview textdraw.
(Text:text, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ, Float:fZoom)
Float:fRotX | The X rotation value. |
Float:fRotY | The Y rotation value. |
Float:fRotZ | The Z rotation value. |
Float:fZoom | The zoom value, default value 1.0, smaller values make the camera closer and larger values make the camera further away. |
Return Values:
This function does not return any specific values.
Example Usage:
new Text:textdraw public OnGameModeInit() { textdraw = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 240.0, "_"); TextDrawFont(textdraw, TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW); TextDrawUseBox(textdraw, 1); TextDrawBoxColor(textdraw, 0x000000FF); TextDrawTextSize(textdraw, 40.0, 40.0); TextDrawSetPreviewModel(textdraw, 411); TextDrawSetPreviewRot(textdraw, -10.0, 0.0, -20.0, 1.0); //You still have to use TextDrawShowForAll/TextDrawShowForPlayer to make the textdraw visible. return 1; }
![]() Important | The textdraw MUST use the font type TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW and already have a model set in order for this function to have effect. |
Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.
- PlayerTextDrawSetPreviewRot: Set rotation of a 3D player textdraw preview.
- TextDrawSetPreviewModel: Set the 3D preview model of a textdraw.
- TextDrawSetPreviewVehCol: Set the colours of a vehicle in a 3D textdraw preview.
- TextDrawFont: Set the font of a textdraw.
Related Callbacks
The following callbacks might be useful, as they're related to this function in one way or another.
- OnPlayerClickTextDraw: Called when a player clicks on a textdraw.