Vehicle Synchronization
From SA-MP Wiki
vSync Include | |
Author | RIDE2DAY |
Released | 23/09/2017 |
Latest Version | 0.03 (07/11/2017) |
Development Status | Active |
License | MPL |
Forum Topic |
Here you may find all the documentation related to the vSync include scripted by RIDE2DAY. If you find any bug, please, report it on the official topic.
New Functions
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to get the name of. |
name[] | An array into which to store the vehicle name, passed by reference. |
len | The length of the string that should be stored. Recommended to be MAX_VEHICLE_NAME. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new v_name[MAX_VEHICLE_NAME]; new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); GetVehicleName(vehicleid, v_name, MAX_VEHICLE_NAME); new string[128]; format(string, 128, "Vehicle's name is %s.", v_name); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to get the number plate of. |
dest[] | An array into which to store the vehicle number plate, passed by reference. |
len | The length of the string that should be stored. Recommended to be MAX_VEHICLE_NUMBERPLATE. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new v_np[MAX_VEHICLE_NUMBERPLATE]; new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); GetVehicleName(vehicleid, v_name, MAX_VEHICLE_NUMBERPLATE); new string[128]; format(string, 128, "Vehicle's number plate is %s.", v_np); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to get the colors of. |
&color1 | A variable in which to store vehicle's primary color ID, passed by reference. |
&color2 | A variable in which to store vehicle's secondary color ID, passed by reference. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new col1, col2; GetVehicleColor(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), col1, col2);
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to get the paintjob ID of. |
Return Values:
- The paintjob ID or INVALID_PAINTJOB_ID if the vehicle doesn't have a paintjob.
- -1 if the vehicle ID doesn't exist.
Example Usage:
new msg[128]; format(msg, 128, "The paintjob ID is %d.", GetVehiclePaintjob(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg);
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to get the siren state of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 411 && !GetVehicleSiren(vehicleid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your Infernus doesn't have a siren."); }
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle to get the interior of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); LinkVehicleToInterior(vehicleid, 10); printf("The new interior is %d.", GetVehicleInterior(vehicleid));
vehicleid | The vehicle ID to get the current speed of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); printf("The current speed is %d km/h.", GetVehicleSpeed(vehicleid));
modelid | The vehicle model ID to get the max. speed of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new msg[128]; new max_speed = GetVehicleMaxSpeed(411); format(msg, 128, "The Infernus has a max. speed of %d.", max_speed); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg);
modelid | The vehicle model ID to get the seats of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new modelid = GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) ); new msg[128]; format(msg, 128, "Your vehicle has %d seats, call some fellas.", GetVehicleSeats(modelid)); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg);
modelid | The vehicle model ID to get the windows of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new modelid = GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) ); new msg[128]; format(msg, 128, "Your vehicle has %d windows, break them!", GetVehicleWindows(modelid)); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg);
modelid | The vehicle model ID to get the mass of. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new Float:mass = GetVehicleMass(411); printf("The Infernus has a mass of %.1f kg.", mass); // %.1f for one decimal.
modelid | The vehicle model ID to get the engine type of. |
Return Values:
- D if the vehicle uses diesel.
- P if the vehicle uses petrol.
- E if the vehicle is electric.
- H if the vehicle is a HPV (human-powered vehicle)
Example Usage:
new modelid = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); if(GetVehicleEngineType(modelid) != 'H') { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You need a bike in order to start this mission."); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Seems you have a bike, good."); }
modelid | The vehicle model ID to get the drive type of. |
Return Values:
- F if the vehicle is FWD (front-wheel drive).
- R if the vehicle is RWD (rear-wheel drive).
- 4 if the vehicle is 4WD (four-wheel drive).
Example Usage:
new modelid = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); if(GetVehicleDriveType(modelid) != '4') { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You need a 4WD vehicle to start this race."); }
modelid | The vehicle model ID to check. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new modelid = GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); if(!VehicleSupportsNeonLights(modelid)) { new msg[128]; new vname[MAX_VEHICLE_NAME]; GetVehicleName(newveh, vname, MAX_VEHICLE_NAME); format(msg, 128, "The %s has the neon lights {FF0000}disabled{FFFFFF}.", vname); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg); }
vehicleid | The vehicle ID to set the neon lights to. |
bool:toggle | true to enable the neon lights and false to disable them. |
color | The object model for the neon lights, set to NEON_LIGHT_RED by default. |
Return Values:
![]() Note |
Color Definition | Object Model |
NEON_LIGHT_RED | 18647 |
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new modelid = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid); if(VehicleSupportsNeonLights(modelid)) { SetVehicleNeonLights(vehicleid, true, NEON_LIGHT_GREEN); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your car has {00FF00}green {FFFFFF}neon lights now."); }
vehicleid | The vehicle ID to get the neon lights state of. |
Return Values:
- 1 if the the neon lights are enabled.
- 0 if the the neon lights are disabled or if the vehicle ID doesn't exist.
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); if(GetVehicleNeonLightsState(vehicleid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You have neon lights, now you may join the Midnight Club!"); }
modelid | The vehicle model ID to check. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new modelid = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid); if(VehicleSupportsNitro(modelid)) { new msg[128]; new vname[MAX_VEHICLE_NAME]; GetVehicleName(newveh, vname, MAX_VEHICLE_NAME); AddVehicleComponent(vehicleid, 1010); format(msg, 128, "Now your %s has nitro, enjoy!", vname); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg); }
modelid | The vehicle model ID to check. |
componentid | The ID of the component you're going to check. |
Return Values:
![]() Note | There are internal checks for OnVehicleMod and AddVehicleComponent, use this function wherever you need it. |
Example Usage:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new modelid = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid); if(VehicleSupportsComponent(modelid, 1003)) { new msg[128]; new vname[MAX_VEHICLE_NAME]; GetVehicleName(newveh, vname, MAX_VEHICLE_NAME); AddVehicleComponent(vehicleid, 1003); format(msg, 128, "Alpha Spoiler added to your %s.", vname); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg); }
Modified Functions
- There are two new component slots for GetVehicleComponentType and GetVehicleComponentInSlot:
Component ID | Slot | Type | Car |
1109 | CARMODTYPE_REAR_BULLBAR | Chrome | Slamvan |
1110 | CARMODTYPE_REAR_BULLBAR | Slamin | Slamvan |
1115 | CARMODTYPE_FRONT_BULLBAR | Chrome | Slamvan |
1116 | CARMODTYPE_FRONT_BULLBAR | Slamin | Slamvan |
1100 | CARMODTYPE_FRONT_BULLBAR | Chrome Grill | Remington |
1123 | CARMODTYPE_FRONT_BULLBAR | Bullbar Chrome Bars | Remington |
1125 | CARMODTYPE_FRONT_BULLBAR | Bullbar Chrome Lights | Remington |
New Callbacks
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle which has been created. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
public OnVehicleCreated(vehicleid) { SetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, "{FF0000}RIDE2DAY"); return 1; }
playerid | The ID of the player that bought the paintjob. |
vehicleid | The ID of the vehicle which the paintjob was applied to. |
paintjobid | The ID of the new paintjob. |
Return Values:
Example Usage:
public OnVehicleChangePaintjob(playerid, vehicleid, paintjobid) { new msg[128]; format(msg, 128, "The ID of the paintjob you just bought is %d.", paintjobid); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, msg); return 1; }
- You might use INVALID_PAINTJOB_ID with ChangeVehiclePaintjob to remove a paintjob.
- When a vehicle respawns it returns to its original colors (those which had when was created), that's how it works by default.
- When a vehicle respawns all its mods are removed, that's how it works by default.
- This scripts uses y_hooks or the ALS hooking method.
- Functions hooked:
- CreateVehicle
- DestroyVehicle
- AddStaticVehicle
- AddStaticVehicleEx
- SetVehicleNumberPlate
- LinkVehicleToInterior
- ChangeVehicleColor
- ChangeVehiclePaintjob
- GetVehicleComponentType
- GetVehicleComponentInSlot
- AddVehicleComponent
- RemoveVehicleComponent
- Callbacks hooked:
- OnPlayerConnect
- OnPlayerUpdate
- OnPlayerKeyStateChange
- OnEnterExitModShop
- OnVehiclePaintjob
- OnVehicleRespray
- OnVehicleSpawn
- OnVehicleMod
- Vehicles with NeonOffsetX = NeonOffsetY = NeonOffsetZ = 0.0 don't support neon lights, you're free to modify those offsets if you wish. Here you have list with those vehicles.
- Now AddVehicleComponent has internal checks, you don't have to check anymore if a component is valid when using this function.