From SA-MP Wiki
![]() | This article is outdated. It may use methods or functions which no longer exist or which are deemed obsolete by the community. Caution is advised. |
MySQL Plugin Plugin | |
Author | BlueG / maddinat0r |
Released | 29/11/2008 |
Latest Version | R39-6 (27/08/2016) |
Development Status | Active |
License | License |
Forum Topic |
For the latest functions go here.
Documentation for BlueG's MySQL plugin version R33 to R39-6. Forum topic and download links can be found here.
ORM functions
![]() Note | A good tutorial for this system can be found here. |
const table[] | The name of the table you wish to control. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new ORM:orm_id = Player[playerid][ORM_ID] = orm_create("players"); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
Return Values:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { orm_destroy(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
Return Values:
Error | Meaning |
ERROR_OK | No error happened. |
ERROR_NO_DATA | No data has been found in the table. |
orm_select(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnStuffSelected", "d", playerid); public OnStuffSelected(playerid) { switch(orm_errno(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]) { case ERROR_OK: printf("There is no error."); case ERROR_NO_DATA: printf("No data in the table found."); } return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
row | The row index to take the cache data from. |
Return Values:
new query[128]; format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `id` = '%d'", Player[playerid][ID]); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnStuffSelected", "d", playerid); public OnStuffSelected(playerid) { orm_apply_cache(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], 0); printf("Player %s has %d Money and is on PosX with %f.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][Money], Player[playerid][PosX]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_select(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { printf("Player %s has %d Money and is on PosX with %f.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][Money], Player[playerid][PosX]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
Return Values:
orm_update(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]); //this generates a query like "UPDATE `players` SET ´name´='PlayerName', `money`='23141', `pos_x`='231.432' WHERE `id`='42'" and executes it
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_insert(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnPlayerRegistered", "d", playerid); public OnPlayerRegistered(playerid) { printf("Player %s has registered with id %d.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][ID]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
bool:clearvars | True if the values of the registered variables should be set to zero (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_delete(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]); //this generates a query like "DELETE FROM `players` WHERE `id`='42'" and executes it
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
orm_load(Player[playerid][ORM_ID], "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { printf("Player %s has %d Money and is on PosX with %f.", Player[playerid][Name], Player[playerid][Money], Player[playerid][PosX]); return 1; }
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
callback[] | The name of the callback to call when the operation is done (optional). |
format[] | The format specifier for the callback (optional). |
{Float, _}:... | Indefinite number of parameters to pass to the callback (optional). |
Return Values:
Player[playerid][Money] = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); orm_save(Player[playerid][ORM_ID]);
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
&var | The variable to register. |
varname[] | The name of the field in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][ID], "id"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][Money], "money");
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
&Float:var | The variable to register. |
varname[] | The name of the field in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][PosX], "pos_x"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][PosY], "pos_y");
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
var[] | The variable to register. |
var_maxlen | The size of the registered variable. |
varname[] | The name of the field in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { // ... Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Password[129] }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; // ... new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_string(ormid, Player[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "name"); orm_addvar_string(ormid, Player[playerid][Password], 129, "passwd");
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
varname[] | The name of the field. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][ID], "id"); // ... orm_delvar(ormid, "id"); //returns true, variable "Player[playerid][ID]" has been removed orm_delvar(ormid, "id"); //returns false, because the variable couldn't be found as it was already removed
ORM:id | The id of the ORM instance. |
varname[] | The name of the field in the MySQL table. |
Return Values:
new ORM:ormid = orm_create("players"); orm_addvar_int(ormid, Player[playerid][ID], "id"); orm_addvar_float(ormid, Player[playerid][PosX], "pos_x"); // ... orm_setkey(ormid, "id");
MySQL functions
![]() Note | Almost every function has a connectionHandle parameter. If you use only one database connection you don't need to mind it. Connection handle is 1 by default. |
E_LOGLEVEL:loglevel | Specifies what type of log messages will be logged (optional). |
E_LOGTYPE:logtype | Type of the logging (optional). |
Return Values:
Log levels
Log type | Description |
LOG_NONE | Logs absolutely nothing. |
LOG_ERROR | Logs errors. |
LOG_WARNING | Logs warnings. |
LOG_DEBUG | Logs debug messages. |
LOG_ALL | Logs everything. |
Log types
Log type | Description |
LOG_TYPE_TEXT | Writes log messages into a text file. |
LOG_TYPE_HTML | Writes log messages into a visual HTML file. |
public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_log(LOG_ERROR | LOG_WARNING, LOG_TYPE_HTML); //logs errors and warnings into a nice HTML file //... mysql_log(LOG_ALL); //logs everything (errors, warnings and debug messages) into a regular text file return 1; }
![]() Important |
const host[] | IP or hostname of the MySQL server. |
const user[] | Username of the account you want to connect to. |
const database[] | Name of the database you want to connect to. |
const password[] | Password of the account you want to connect to. |
port | Port of the MySQL server (optional). |
bool:autoreconnect | True to enable, false to disable automatic reconnection (optional). |
pool_size | Size of the connection pool to use for mysql_pquery() (optional). |
Return Values:
new MySQL; // ... public OnGameModeInit() { MySQL = mysql_connect("", "root", "mydatabase", "mypass"); // ... return 1; }
![]() Note | The `wait` parameter has been removed in R36. `mysql_close` will now always wait until all queued queries are executed. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
bool:wait | True if to wait until all queued queries are executed (optional). |
Return Values:
public OnGameModeExit() { mysql_tquery(MySQL, "UPDATE `players` SET `is_online` = '0'", "", ""); mysql_close(MySQL); //mysql_close will now halt the server until the query we just sent is executed. return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
//connection was lost for some reason, let's reconnect mysql_reconnect();
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
printf("There are %d unprocessed queries.", mysql_unprocessed_queries());
Return Values:
forward OnHouseDataLoaded(); public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM `houses`", "OnHouseDataLoaded"); printf("Current connection id: %d". mysql_current_handle()); //this would print "Current connection id: 0", since there is no active cache and thus no active connection return 1; } public OnHouseDataLoaded() { printf("House data loaded on connection id %d.", mysql_current_handle()); //this would print "House data loaded on connection id 1." return 1; }
E_MYSQL_OPTION:type | Option to change. |
value | Value the option should be set to. |
Return Values:
Option | Description |
DUPLICATE_CONNECTIONS | Allows to create multiple connections to the same database and server. |
LOG_TRUNCATE_DATA | Controls whether MySQL data (that means queries and fetched result data) should be truncated (queries to 64 characters, result data to 1024 characters) in the log file or not (true by default). |
public OnGameModeInit() { mysql_option(DUPLICATE_CONNECTIONS, true); //allows the use of dupl. connections new MySQL1 = mysql_connect("", "root", "mydatabase", "mypass"); new MySQL2 = mysql_connect("", "root", "mydatabase", "mypass"); printf("connection1: %d, connection2: %d", MySQL1, MySQL2); //output: "connection1: 1, connection2: 2", without allowing duplicate connections, both variables would be '1' return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
mysql_connect("", "root", "mydatabase", "mypass"); if(mysql_errno() != 0) print("Could not connect to database!");
![]() Important | Always use this function (if you don't use mysql_format() with the '%e' specifier) before inserting user inputs in a query. You can be victim of a SQL injection if you do not do so. |
const source[] | The string you want to be escaped. |
destination[] | The string to store escaped data in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
max_len | The size of the destination (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Notes |
enum E_PLAYER { // ... LastMsg[128], // ... }; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; // ... public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { new escape[140*2]; mysql_escape_string(text, escape); //string is now safe to be put in a query // ... mysql_escape_string(text, PlayerInfo[playerid][LastMsg], MySQL, 128); //correctly saves the escaped string into an enum-array return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
output[] | The string to save the result to. |
len | The size of the output. |
format[] | The format string. |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments. |
Return Values:
Format strings
Placeholder | Meaning |
%e | Escapes data directly without the need to call mysql_escape_string() before. |
%s | Inserts a string. |
%d / %i | Inserts an integer number. |
%f | Inserts a floating point number. |
%X | Inserts a hexadecimal number in uppercase. |
%x | Inserts a hexadecimal number in lowercase. |
%b | Inserts a binary number. |
The values for the placeholders follow in the exact same order as parameters in the call.
new query[128]; mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `%s` WHERE `bar` = '%e' AND `foobar` = '%f' LIMIT %d", "foobar", "escape'me\"please", 1.2345, 1337); // the variable 'query' contains now the formatted query (including the escaped string) mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnStuffSelected", "");
![]() Important |
![]() Note | The difference between this native and mysql_tquery() is, that this type of query uses multi-threading, thus it's faster depending on how many connections are used. The number of connections can be specified in mysql_connect() through the pool_size parameter. Each connection resembles a thread. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
query[] | The query you want to execute. |
callback[] | The query you want to process (optional). |
format[] | The format specifier string (optional). |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments (optional). |
Return Values:
Format specifiers
Specifier | Meaning |
d/i | integer number |
s | string |
f | floating point number |
forward OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid); public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new query[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Name` = '%e' LIMIT 1", pname); mysql_pquery(MySQL, query, "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); return 1; } public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { //Query processed, you can now execute cache functions (like cache_get_row) here. new NumRows = cache_num_rows(); printf("There are %d players with the same name.", NumRows); return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
query[] | The query you want to execute. |
callback[] | The query you want to process (optional). |
format[] | The format specifier string (optional). |
{Float,_}:... | Indefinite number of arguments (optional). |
Return Values:
Format specifiers
Specifier | Meaning |
d/i | integer number |
s | string |
f | floating point number |
forward OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid); public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new query[128], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname)); mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Name` = '%e'", pname); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); return 1; } public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { //Query processed, you can now execute cache functions (like cache_get_row) here. new NumRows = cache_num_rows(); printf("There are %d players with the same name.", NumRows); return 1; }
![]() Important |
conhandle | The connection handle this will be processed on. |
query[] | The query you want to execute. |
bool:use_cache | Set to true if you intend to use the cache/result mysql_query returns (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Note | If use_cache is set to false, there won't be any valid cache to use, so all cache-related natives wont work. You also don't need to call cache_delete() in this case. |
new Cache:result = mysql_query(MySQL, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `players`"); printf("There are %d players in the database.", cache_get_row_int(0, 0)); cache_delete(result);
const destination[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
new stats[150]; mysql_stat(stats); print(stats); //Output would be something like: // Uptime: 380 Threads: 1 Questions: 3 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 12 Flush tables: 1 // Open tables: 6 Queries per second avg: 0.008
destination[] | The string to store extracted data in. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
new charset[20]; mysql_get_charset(charset);
charset[] | Code of the character set you want to use. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
Cache functions
![]() Note | Make sure you use these functions (except cache_delete() and cache_set_active()) only if there is an active cache available. |
&num_rows | The variable the number of rows will be assigned to. |
&num_fields | The variable the number of fields will be assigned to. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new rows, fields; cache_get_data(rows, fields); printf("There are %d rows and %d fields in the current result set (aka cache).", rows, fields);
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
printf("There are %d rows in the current result set.", cache_get_row_count());
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
printf("There are %d fields in the current result set.", cache_get_field_count());
field_index | The index of the field whose name to retrieve. |
destination[] | The string to store the name into. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
new field_name[32]; cache_get_field_name(0, field_name); printf("The first field name in the current result set is '%s'.", field_name);
row | The row's index (starts at '0'). |
field_idx | The index of the field (starts at '0'). |
destination[] | The string to store the data into. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Important | You have to provide the size (max_len) by yourself if you use an enum-array as destination. |
new dest[128]; cache_get_row(0, 0, dest); printf("The very first value in the current result set is '%s'.", dest);
row | The row's index (starts at '0'). |
field_idx | The index of the field (starts at '0'). |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new int_dest = cache_get_row_int(3, 0); printf("The number stored in the fourth row and first field is '%d'.", int_dest);
row | The row's index (starts at '0'). |
field_idx | The index of the field (starts at '0'). |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new Float:float_dest = cache_get_row_float(3, 4); printf("The floating point number stored in the fourth row and fifth field is '%f'.", float_dest);
row | The row's index (starts at '0'). |
const field_name[] | The field's name. |
destination[] | The string to store the data into. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
max_len | The size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Important | You have to provide the size (max_len) by yourself if you use an enum-array as destination. |
new dest[128]; cache_get_field_content(0, "name", dest); printf("The value in the field 'name' is '%s'.", dest);
row | The row's index (starts at '0'). |
const field_name[] | The field's name. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new int_dest = cache_get_field_content_int(2, "money"); printf("The value in the third row and in the field 'money' is '%d'.", int_dest);
row | The row's index (starts at '0'). |
const field_name[] | The field's name. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
new Float:float_dest = cache_get_field_content_float(3, "pos_x"); printf("The value in the fourth row and in the field 'pos_x' is '%f'.", float_dest);
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new query[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, Player[playerid][Name], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '%e' LIMIT 1", Player[playerid][Name]); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "OnPlayerDataLoaded", "d", playerid); return 1; } forward OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid); public OnPlayerDataLoaded(playerid) { if(cache_num_rows() == 1) { //save the cache for later use Player[playerid][Data] = cache_save(); //show login dialog // ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ... } // else //show register dialog // ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ... return 1; }
Cache:cache_id | The cache-id which should be deleted. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { cache_delete(Player[playerid][Data]); // ... return 1; }
![]() Note | If you specify '0' as cache-id, the active cache will be unset, thus there won't be any cache active. |
Cache:cache_id | The cache-id which should be set as active. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, Money, Float:PosX, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { switch(dialogid) { // ... case DIALOG_LOGIN: { //if password matches cache_set_active(Player[playerid][Data]); Player[playerid][Money] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "money"); Player[playerid][PosX] = cache_get_field_content_float(0, "pos_x"); // ... cache_set_active(Cache:0); //unset active cache } // ... default: return 0; } return 1; }
Cache:cache_id | The cache-id which should be checked. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
enum E_PLAYER { ID, Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], Cache:Data, // ... }; new Player[MAX_PLAYERS][E_PLAYER]; public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { //if random event... cache_delete(Player[playerid][Data]); return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { if(cache_is_valid(Player[playerid][Data])) cache_delete(Player[playerid][Data]); // ... return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
![]() Note | If the last query was a DELETE query with no WHERE clause, all of the records will have been deleted from the table but this function will return zero. |
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "DELETE FROM mylogs WHERE log_id > 10", "OnLogsDeleted", ""); // ... public OnLogsDeleted() { printf("%d logs deleted!", cache_affected_rows()); return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "INSERT INTO `players` (`name`, `password`) VALUES ('Ownage', MD5('mypass'))", "OnPlayerRegister", "d", playerid); // ... public OnPlayerRegister(playerid) { printf("New player registered with ID '%d'.", cache_insert_id()); return 1; }
connectionHandle | The connection handle this will be processed on (optional). |
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "UPDATE `notable` SET something=42 WHERE nofield=0", "OnStuffUpdated", ""); // ... public OnStuffUpdated() { if(cache_warning_count()) printf("Some warnings occured!!"); return 1; }
E_EXECTIME_UNIT:unit | Time unit which should be used for the execution time (optional). |
Return Values:
![]() Note | Buffer overflows can easily occur if using microseconds as unit in combination with long queries. |
Time units
Unit |
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM `data`", "OnDataRetrieved"); // ... public OnDataRetrieved() { printf("The query \"SELECT * FROM `data`\" took %d milliseconds / %d microseconds to execute.", cache_get_query_exec_time(UNIT_MILLISECONDS), cache_get_query_exec_time(UNIT_MICROSECONDS)); //output: // The query "SELECT * FROM `data`" took 9 milliseconds / 9311 microseconds to execute. return 1; }
destination[] | The string to store the query into. |
max_len | The maximal size of the destination string (optional). |
Return Values:
mysql_tquery(MySQL, "SELECT * FROM `data`", "OnDataRetrieved"); // ... public OnDataRetrieved() { new query[64]; cache_get_query_string(query); printf("Executed query: \"%s\"", query); //output: // Executed query: "SELECT * FROM `data`" return 1; }
Plugin callbacks
errorid | ID of the error. |
error[] | Error message. |
callback[] | Name of the callback. It equals to "" (nothing, empty) if it's not used. |
query[] | Query which was executed. |
connectionHandle | The connection handle this was processed on. |
Return Values:
public OnQueryError(errorid, error[], callback[], query[], connectionHandle) { switch(errorid) { case CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR: { printf("Lost connection to server, trying reconnect..."); mysql_reconnect(connectionHandle); } case ER_SYNTAX_ERROR: { printf("Something is wrong in your syntax, query: %s",query); } } return 1; }