From SA-MP Wiki
Set the health of an actor.
(actorid, Float:health)
actorid | The ID of the actor to set the health of. |
Float:health | The value to set the actors's health to. |
Return Values:
- 1 - success
- 0 - failure (i.e. actor is not created).
Example Usage:
new MyActor; public OnGameModeInit() { MyActor = CreateActor(179, 316.1, -134.0, 999.6, 90.0); // Actor as salesperson in Ammunation SetActorHealth(MyActor, 100); return 1; }
- CreateActor: Create an actor (static NPC).
- GetActorHealth: Gets the health of an actor.
- SetActorInvulnerable: Set actor invulnerable.
- IsActorInvulnerable: Check if actor is invulnerable.