YSI:File List

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Below is a list of all the files in the YSI script and a brief description of their purpose. All folders are relative the server directory by default.




A collection of unit tests for various parts of the system.

  • y_commands_fs.pwn

A script loaded by "gamemodes/Test/y_commands.pwn" to test multiple providers and the master system.



A collection of unit tests for various parts of the system. Most of these are fairly obvious as to what they test so are not listed here.

  • BITS.pwn

Test for the "Bits" and "Blanks" iterator functions in y_bits.

  • foreach.pwn



  • YSI.inc

A list of all the API functions. Including this file will include MOST of YSI, the notable exceptions being "y_php" and "y_lock" as they have special requirements. You do not need to include this file and can instead include and individual library.


  • y_als.inc

Slightly simplifies the use of the Advanced Library System.

Low level AMX information access. Used by y_hooks, y_testing and y_timers to list public functions.

  • y_areas.inc

Manage zones on the map, with players entering and leaving.

  • y_bintree.inc

PAWN binary tree implementation.

  • y_bit.inc

Bit arrays for PAWN - vastly reduces memory usage for true/false arrays.

  • y_cell.inc

Some clever bit-level variable manipulations.

  • y_classes.inc

Allows for extra dynamic class selection screens, different users can have different skin options and you can add and remove classes dynamically.

  • y_colors.inc

Wrapper for y_colours.inc.

  • y_colours.inc

Defines a vast number of colours and provides both definition and string access to them.

This is a commands system designed for managing hundreds of commands at once, unlike others which are only designed for small numbers of commands. It offers many improvements over other systems including the speed of ZCMD with dynamic command renaming, dynamic per-player permissions and dynamic /commands and /help abilities to list all commands and help on those commands.

  • y_debug.inc

Compile time macros for displaying, or not, debug information at run time.

  • y_dialog.inc

Show dialogs to players with no worry about IDs and with inline functions available.

  • y_flooding.inc

Restrict the number of connections from a single IP and set what happens if they go over that number (kick the new one, kick them all or ban the IP).

Defines generic functions for groups, an abstraction from all other collections of users such as admin levels and gangs.

Allows you to hook any callback with no effort at all.

This is the fastest ini file system around, designed to load entire files at once.

  • y_inline.inc

Allows for the declaration of inline functions in PAWN.

  • y_iterate.inc

foreach, but in YSI.

  • y_languages.inc

Holds language information on all players, as well as languages loaded in the system.

  • y_lock.inc

Restricts the server to run on only the IP specified by in "bind".

  • y_malloc.inc

Allocate and free memory as required.

  • y_master.inc

Code for the master system. See this topic and y_commands for more information.

  • y_php.inc

Fast and efficient two-way communication with PHP. Requires shmop.

  • y_playerarray.inc

Bit arrays optimised specifically for arrays of players.

  • y_playerset.inc

Call functions passing groups, single players, arrays, or playerarrays as the "target" parameter.

  • y_remote.inc

Wrappers for "CallRemoteFunction" and "CallLocalFunction".

  • y_scriptinit.inc

Provides "OnScriptInit" for both gamemodes and filterscripts.

Allows you to treat strings as numbers for things like "switch" statements.

  • y_svar.inc

Server information that is automatically saved and loaded.

  • y_td.inc

Text draw style functions for better dynamic updates.

Allows for very simple unit testing production.

  • y_text.inc

The biggest addition to this version. The y_text library provides functions for displaying, styling, and translating, messages dynamically. Allowing you to change the apperance of text entirely without editing or recompiling your mode. It also handles multiple languages transparently and adds features such as colour fades and new format specifiers.

Simplifies the creation of repeating timers, balancing them for optimal server performance. Also allows for the simple definition of functions to be called once after a delay.

  • y_users.inc

Full user system with login and registration functions.

  • y_utils.inc

Random useful functions.

  • y_uvar.inc

Per-player variables with automatic loading and saving.

  • y_va.inc

Variable argument functions such as va_printf and va_format.

  • y_writemem.inc

WINDOWS ONLY! Write to arbitrary memory addresses in the server memory.

  • y_xml.inc

XML file reading and writing.

  • y_zonepulse.inc

Fade gang zones from one colour to another and back.








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