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I'm Kyoshiro, but you can call me 0100101101111001011011110111001101101000011010010111001001101111. I hate inefficient coding, and people who take the easy route when it comes to scripting. I'm 18, i live in the USA, and am studying to be a game programmer.

Epic things

Incognito's streamer plugin - An all in one streamer written in c++ that uses a zoning algorithm that is second to none.

G-sTyLeZzZ's mysql plugin - A very nice mysql plugin that is constantly being updated. This plugin has many features including threaded queries, multiple database connections, and a number of other nice features.

Y_Less' sscanf plugin - This is an absolute must have in the coding world. The uses and possibilities of this plugin are endless. It puts tokenizers like strtok and explode to shame.

Articles i've written

I edit a ton of articles, but here are a couple i wrote to try and help the community.

Hex - Explains what hexadecimal is.

Binary - Explains in-depth about what binary is, and all what the all operators do.

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