From SA-MP Wiki
Shows the player a synchronous (only one at a time) dialog box.
(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[])
playerid | The ID of the player to show the dialog to. |
dialogid | An ID to assign this dialog to, so responses can be processed. Max dialogid is 32767. Using negative values will close any open dialog. |
style | The style of the dialog. |
caption[] | The title at the top of the dialog. The length of the caption can not exceed more than 64 characters before it starts to cut off. |
info[] | The text to display in the main dialog. Use \n to start a new line and \t to tabulate. |
button1[] | The text on the left button. |
button2[] | The text on the right button. Leave it blank ( "" ) to hide it. |
Return Values:
- 1: The function executed successfully.
- 0: The function failed to execute. This means the player is not connected.
// Define the dialog IDs either with an enum: enum { DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_WELCOME, DIALOG_WEAPONS } // Alternatively, using macros: #define DIALOG_LOGIN 1 #define DIALOG_WELCOME 2 #define DIALOG_WEAPONS 3 // Enums are recommended, as you don't have to keep track of used IDs. However, enums use memory to store the defines, whereas defines are processed in the 'pre-processor' (compiling) stage. // Example for DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_WELCOME, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Notice", "You are connected to the server", "Close", ""); // Example for DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Enter your password below:", "Login", "Cancel"); // Example for DIALOG_STYLE_LIST: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_WEAPONS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Weapons", "AK47\nM4\nSniper Rifle", "Option 1", "Option 2"); // Example for DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Login", "Enter your password below:", "Login", "Cancel"); // Example for DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_WEAPONS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, "Buy Weapon", "Deagle\t$5000\t100\nSawnoff\t$5000\t100\nPistol\t$1000\t50", "Select", "Cancel"); // Example for DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_WEAPONS, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Buy Weapon", "Weapon\tPrice\tAmmo\nDeagle\t$5000\t100\nSawnoff\t$5000\t100\nPistol\t$1000\t50", "Select", "Cancel");
Tips |
Related Functions
The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.
- TextDrawShowForPlayer: Show a textdraw for a certain player.
Related Callbacks
The following callbacks might be useful, as they're related to this function in one way or another.
- OnDialogResponse: Called when a player responds to a dialog.