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Each SVar (server-variable) has its own unique identification number for lookup, this function returns the highest ID.

This function has no parameters.

Return Values:

The highest set SVar ID.

// Store the upper index in the variable 'SVarUpperIndex' + 1
new SVarUpperIndex = GetSVarsUpperIndex() + 1;
// This sVarCount variable will store how many sVars are set as we count them.
new sVarCount;
for(new i=0; i != sVarUpperIndex; i++) // Loop through all sVar IDs under the upper index
    // At first, we need to get SVar name
    new sVarName[128];
    GetSVarNameAtIndex(i, pVarName, sizeof(pVarName));
    // If the var is set (type not 0), increment sVarCount.
    if(GetSVarType(pVarName) != 0) sVarCount++;
new szString[66];
printf("There are %i server-variables set. Upper index (highest ID): %i.", sVarCount, SVarUpperIndex-1);

Related Functions

The following functions may be useful, as they are related to this function in one way or another.

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