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Change a vehicle's primary and secondary colors.



Some vehicles have only a primary color and some can not have the color changed at all. A few (cement, squallo) have 4 colors, of which 2 can not be changed in SA:MP

(vehicleid, color1, color2)
vehicleidThe ID of the vehicle to change the colors of.
color1The new vehicle's primary Color ID.
color2The new vehicle's secondary Color ID.

Return Values:

  • 1: The function executed successfully. The vehicle's color was successfully changed.
  • 0: The function failed to execute. The vehicle does not exist.

Example Usage:

public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger)
    // Change the primary color to black and the secondary color to white
    ChangeVehicleColor(vehicleid, 0, 1);
    return 1;

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